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Gobiesocidae (Clingfishes)

Species Currently in the DFL

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Sicyases sanguineus
Chilean Clingfish
About This Family
Most tropical and temperate areas of the world’s oceans, with a few species in freshwater.
Clingfishes are found in shallow and intertidal areas on firm, usually rocky, substrate. Some tropical species are commensal with sea urchins and crinoids and one species reportedly picks ectoparasites from other fishes.

Kidneys lack glomeruli.
Most Clingfishes resemble tadpoles with a broad, rounded and dorso-ventrally flattened head and a narrow tapering tail region. They lack spines and their pelvic fins are modified to form a thoracic sucking disc, which is used to “cling” to the substrate. Some species occur high in the rocky intertidal and can live for several hours removed from water. All Clingfishes are scaleless, and most are plain-colored, but a few are brightly colored and can be in the aquarium trade.

The diet usually is marine invertebrates. Although nearly all species rarely exceed 7 cm, two southern hemisphere species can reach 30 cm or more.

There are about 36 genera and 140 species.

FishBase 2006; Hutchins 2001; Mann 1954; Nelson 2006
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